if you look like amanda hit me up amanda young my love

i simply love saw


saw spoilers and useless rambling ahead

i'm in love with amanda even though this png of her to the right doesn't look the best.

i love the movies, my favorite is saw 3 for obvious reasons. i don't think saw is the best movie ever created but its a fun time and that's good enough! so what amanda is crazy, the worst charater is obviously hoffman. he is stupid and i hate him. he had no reason to betray amanda like that and he killed jill!!!! the number one thing john would disagree with. john knew he sucked so much he tried to have jill kill him. amanda was the way better apprentice and followed john's teachings. she only fucked up in the ending of saw 3 because of hoffman. so basically she is perfect and can't do any wrong. so what she did drugs, we all make mistakes. also she actually cared about john unlike hoffman who only cared about himself and killing people! if this rant can be useful in anyway i hope you watch atleast the first movie if you haven't seen it and are somehow still reading this or on my page even at all. i feel like alot of people are turned away from watching the movie because they just think its disgusting and yes it is disgusting but it's also entertaining! plus the ending of each movie has a surprise twist. personally only the ones with amanda are worth watching but saw 6 and saw x are fun too.